- C. Kral, "Method for the detection of eccentricities of induction machine rotors by means of model calculations", Patent AT 408 812 B (AT 412 586), published at March 25, 2002
- C. Kral, »Method for the detection of imbalances and eccentricities of the rotor of induction machines without speed detectiong«, Patent AT 412 586, published at April 25, 2005
- C. Kral, »Method for the estimation of the position of a rotor with respect to the stator of an induction machine«, Patent AT 412 518, published at August 25, 2005
- C. Kral, J.V. Gragger, »Method and device for the detection of the angle between rotor and stator of an induction machine«, Patent AT 504 628, published at June 15, 2009
- C. Kral, »Method for the determination and the tracking of the rotor reactance and the rotor time constant of induction machines by means of model calculations«, AT 505-586, published at February 15, 2010
All patents are held by: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology