
  1. C. Kral, "Method for the detection of eccentricities of induction machine rotors by means of model calculations", Patent AT 408 812 B (AT 412 586), published at March 25, 2002
  2. C. Kral, »Method for the detection of imbalances and eccentricities of the rotor of induction machines without speed detectiong«, Patent AT 412 586, published at April 25, 2005
  3. C. Kral, »Method for the estimation of the position of a rotor with respect to the stator of an induction machine«, Patent AT 412 518, published at August 25, 2005
  4. C. Kral, J.V. Gragger, »Method and device for the detection of the angle between rotor and stator of an induction machine«, Patent AT 504 628, published at June 15, 2009
  5. C. Kral, »Method for the determination and the tracking of the rotor reactance and the rotor time constant of induction machines by means of model calculations«, AT 505-586, published at February 15, 2010

All patents are held by: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology