Journal Papers
- R. Wieser, C. Kral, F. Pirker, M. Schagginger, »On-Line Rotor Cage Monitoring of Inverter-Fed Induction Machines by Means of an Improved Method«, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 858–865, September 1999.
- C. Kral, F. Pirker, G. Pascoli, »Erkennung defekter Rotorstäbe an umrichter- und netzgespeisten Asynchronmaschinen durch die Vienna Monitoring Method«, e&i, 117. Jg. (H.2), pp. 119–123, Februar 2000.
- C. Kral, R. Wieser, F. Pirker, M. Schagginger, »Sequences of Field-Oriented Control for the Detection of Faulty Rotor Bars in Induction Machines–The Vienna Monitoring Method«, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 1042–1050, October 2000.
- G. Pascoli, F. Pirker, C. Kral, K. May, »Kostensenkung durch Teilentladungs-Monitoring in Mittelspannungsanlagen: Technik – Einsatz – Wirtschaftlichkeit« , e&i, 117 (H12), pp. 788–792, December 2000.
- C. Kral, F. Pirker, G. Pascoli, »Erkennung von Rotorfehlern in umrichtergespeisten Asynchronmaschinen«, eb–Elektrische Bahnen, pp. 119-122, Oldenbourg Verlag, 4/2002.
- C. Kral, F. Pirker, G. Pascoli, »Detection of Rotor Faults in Squirrel Cage Induction Machines at Standstill for Batch Test by Means of the Vienna Monitoring Method«, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol 38, No. 3, pp. 618-624, May/June 2002.
- C. Kral, T.G. Habetler, R.G. Harley, »Detection of Mechanical Imbalances of Induction Machines Without Spectral Analysis of Time-Domain Signals«, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 1101–1105, July/August 2004.
- C. Kral, T.G. Habetler, R.G. Harley, F. Pirker, G. Pascoli, H. Oberguggenberger, C.-J.M. Fenz, »Rotor Temperature Estimation of Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors by Means of a Combined Scheme of Parameter Estimation and a Thermal Equivalent Model«, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 1049–1057, July/August 2004.
- C. Kral, A. Haumer, H. Kapeller, F. Pirker, »Design and thermal simulation of induction machines for traction in electric and hybrid electric vehicles«, WEVA Journal, Vol. 1, pp. 190–196, May 2007.
- C. Kral, H. Kapeller, F. Pirker, »A stator and rotor fault detection technique for induction machines in traction applications of electric or hybrid electric vehicles«, WEVA Journal, Vol. 1, pp. 184–189, May 2007.
- C. Kral, F. Pirker, H. Kapeller, G. Pascoli, »Robust Rotor Fault Detection by Means of the Vienna Monitoring Method and a Parameter Tracking Technique«, accepted on April 03, 2008 for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.
- C. Kral, F. Pirker, G. Pascoli, »The Impact of Inertia on Rotor Fault Effects - Theoretical Aspects of the Vienna Monitoring Method«, accepted on February 06, 2008 for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.
- C. Kral, A. Haumer, T. Bäuml, »Thermal Model and Behavior of a Totally Enclosed Water Cooled Squirrel Cage Induction Machine for Traction Applications«, Volume 55, Issue 10, 2008 for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.
- C. Kral, A. Haumer, H. Kapeller, G. Pascoli, »Modeling and Simulation of a Large Chipper Drive«, Open Electrical & Electronic Engineering Journal, Bentham Science Publishers, 2009
- C. Kral, A. Haumer, M. Haigis, H. Lang, H. Kapeller, ”Comparison of a CFD Analysis and a Thermal Equivalent Circuit of a TEFC Induction Machine with Measurements”, IEEE Transactions of Energy Conversion”, Vol. 24, Issue 4, 2009
- C. Grabner, J.V. Gragger, H. Kapeller, A. Haumer and C. Kral, "Design Guidelines for Sensorless PM-Drives", IAENG Engineering Letters, Volume 17, Issue 4, ISSN 1816-0948, November 2009
- C. Kral, A. Haumer, and C. Grabner, "Consistent Induction Motor Parameters for the Calculation of Partial Load Efficiencies by Means of an Advanced Simulation Model”, IAENG Engineering Letters, Volume 18, Issue 1, ISSN 1816-0948, January 2010
- Christian Kral, Johannes Gragger, Hansjörg Kapeller, Anton Haumer, Bernhard Kubicek, "Phenomenon Rotor Fault – Multiple Electrical Rotor Asymmetries in Induction Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 1124-1134 (DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2009.2037502) May 2010
- C. Kral, D. Simic, "Simulation von Elektrofahrzeugen", Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik, e&i, 128/1-2, 2011, S. 28-35
- Markus Einhorn, Wolfgang Guertlschmid, Thomas Blochberger, Rupert Kumpusch, Robert Permann, Valerio Conte, Christian Kral, Juergen Fleig, "A Current Equalization Method for Serially Connected Battery Cells Using a Single Power Converter for Each Cell”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 9, 2011, pp. 4227-4237
- M. Einhorn, V. Conte, C. Kral, J. Fleig, "A Method for Online Capacity Estimation of Lithium Ion Battery Cells Using the State of Charge and the Transferred Charge”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 48, no. 2, 2012, pp. 736-741, 2011
- Jongman Hong, Sang Bin Lee, Christian Kral, and Anton Haumer, "Detection of Airgap Eccentricity for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors based on the d-axis Inductance”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 2605-2612, May 2012
- J. Antonino-Daviu, M. Riera-Guasp, J. Pons-Llinares, J. Park, S. Bin Lee, J. Yoo, C. Kral, "Detection of Broken Outer-Cage Bars for Double-Cage Induction Motors Under the Startup Transient", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Nr. 4 , Vol. 48 , September/Oktober 2012 , ISSN 0093-9994; pp. 1539-1548.
- H. Jongman, P. Sanguk, H. Doosoo, K. Tae-June, S. Bin Lee, C. Kral, A. Haumer, "Detection and Classification of Rotor Demagnetization and Eccentricity Faults for PM Synchronous Motors", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Volume 48, Issue 3, May-June, 2012, ISSN 0093-9994; pp. 923 - 932.
- C. Jungreuthmayer, T. Bäuml, O. Winter, M. Ganchev, H. Kapeller, A. Haumer, C. Kral, "A Detailed Heat and Fluid Flow Analysis of an Internal Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine by Means of Computational Fluid Dynamics", IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59, No. 12, December 2012 (2012), 0278-0046, pp. 4568 - 4578
- O. Winter, C. Kral, E. Schmidt, "Augmented Temperature Degrading Effect of Rare Earth Magnets Arranged in Segmented Halbach Arrays", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 48, No. 11, pp. 3335-3338, 2012
- M. Einhorn, F.-V. Conte, C. Kral, J. Fleig, "Comparison, Selection, and Parameterization of Electrical Battery Models for Automotive Applications", IEEE Transactions On Power Electronics, Vol. 28, No. 3, March 2013, pp. 1429 – 1437.
- Christian Kral, Sang Bin Lee, Anton Haumer, "A Practical Thermal Model for the Estimation of Permanent Magnet and Stator Winding Temperatures", aktzeptiert zur Publikation in: IEEE Transactions On Power Electronics, 2013
- Ganchev, M.; Kral, C. & Wolbank, T. (2013), "Compensation of Speed Dependence in Sensorless Rotor Temperature Estimation for Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor", Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on 49(6), 2487-2495.
- Hong, J.; Hyun, D.; Lee, S. B. & Kral, C. (2013), "Offline Monitoring of Airgap Eccentricity for Inverter-Fed Induction Motors Based on the Differential Inductance", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 49(6), 2533-2542.
- Kral, C.; Haumer, A. & Lee, S. B. (2014), "A Practical Thermal Model for the Estimation of Permanent Magnet and Stator Winding Temperatures", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29(1), 455-464.